Check-Ups & Updates

This feature is designed for clients who have previously purchased a Single Personalised Meal Plan and have been following their plan closely for a minimum of two weeks and no longer than 12 months.


When clients invest in a Single Personalised Meal Plan, for optimum results it is important for your meal plans to be updated regularly.  This ensures your daily nutrition evolves in line with your own evolving body composition. No matter how good your initial meal plan is, if you just stick with the same values and same macro-nutrient ratios, eventually your meal plan will become a maintenance plan. To ensure you keep progressing towards your goals purchase this check-up and have Tarren analyse your latest information and images updating your current meal plan based on your progression.

If you have been following your original meal plan for 12 months or longer without any interim Check-ups you will need to ‘start over’ by purchasing a new Personalised Single Meal plan.

  • Be sure your results don’t stop
  • Purchasing a Check-In helps ensure you are staying on track and moving towards your goals
  • Check-Ups help ensure your meal plan doesn’t become a maintenance plan but one that keeps you progressing

Please Note: Our expertise is available world-wide and therefore all features of our training and nutrition packages are designed as online products and services only.